Our team at the Office of Real Estate is on site and ready to help you. Our goal is to provide quality transaction management services and to develop a mutually rewarding relationship with our clients. We will accomplish this by interfacing with you very early in the process and on a regular basis to ensure that your specific needs are met.

All UF personnel affiliated with the University of Florida and looking to lease space should follow the steps listed below.

1. The first step in helping you to secure lease space off-campus is for you to describe your needs and expectations to us in the Preliminary Request Form.

2. Fill out your requirements for the space and list any preferences or attributes of the space that would benefit your department. We will work to find the best possible fit for you.

3. Begin correspondence with our office by submitting your information to ore@mail.ufl.edu

Preliminary Request Form


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The Office of Real Estate is uniquely positioned to assist throughout the acquisition process. If you’re a UF affiliate and wish to acquire commercial real estate, or there is a property you think UF would be interested in acquiring, please contact us.


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If you have a property you’d consider gifting to the University, please contact us. We’ll connect you with the Planned Giving Team at the University of Florida Foundation.